Selffee at Sundance Film Festival
Google Sundance Here’s the plot: in modern day America, two excited Selffee team members journey to a faraway location, a quaint mountain ski village in the Wasatch mountain range in Northern Utah
Make sure those blue edible ink cartridges are full, because Selffee was asked by the most notorious blue faces around to liven up the already lively Blue Man Group at their end-of-the-year holiday party! Well, we didn’t really need that much blue ink. Turns out the Blue Man Group creators and corporate leaders don’t wear their iconic face paint all the time. The Selffee team was a bit disappointed to arrive and see everyone wearing (mostly) normal clothes, but that didn’t prevent us from putting on a show in the spirit of this eccentric entertainment company. And it was even more of an honor to be asked to bring our Edible Photo Booth to this particular holiday party, as it...